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Renata de Melo Rosa

Why is Haiti experiencing a permanent crisis?

Since 1793, when a revolution of enslaved workers shook the western side of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, permanent revolution has taken hold in Haiti. What do we mean by the concept of permanent revolution in the 18th century? This means that the courage and general outburst of thousands of people against racism, dehumanization, deterritorialization, deculturation, colonialism and slavery cannot consolidate any revolutionary process.


All strategies that involve moving in the opposite direction all the forces that move the structures of oppression mentioned above require a period of maturation, commitment, discipline and determination that does not end in a single generation. The resolution of internal conflicts between the Haitian revolutionary leaders themselves, the countless deviations from revolutionary purposes, the confrontation with other emerging powers, such as the United States in the 20th century and the extreme difficulty in connecting with the currents of capitalism to generate wealth and economic growth, on the one hand, and the impossibility of working at a national level, any socialist project has placed Haiti in a situation of permanent crisis that requires the concept of permanent revolution to be updated with each cycle of attempted renewal in Haitian politics. .


It is not about political disorganization or chaos, but about a profound political pedagogical process of maturation of the times of political leaders in extremely difficult scenarios such as those of external interference such as those that Haiti experiences permanently.


Understanding Haiti means understanding the dynamics of the cycles of tension between capitalism and socialism, racism and anti-racism, colonialism and the ongoing processes of decolonization and, finally, imperialism and community governance guided by gender and religiosity. deep . Therefore, The state of permanent crisis permeates all political formations that do not submit to any leadership and live a profound idea of freedom and equality as radical principles. Should we condemn this state?

Renata de Melo Rosa, Director of the Maria Quitéria Institute and Co-founder of the Brazil Haiti Initiative

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